Free sensor guarantee

The OvuSense service 90 Day free sensor guarantee

We never promise pregnancy - no one can do that. Instead, OvuSense provides you with extremely accurate information you can ‘do’ something about. It puts you back in control so you can change your fertility future.

If you're using our OvuSense Fertility Monitor Subscription Only Service, you'll start out with our OvuFirst skin-worn sensor. OvuFirst is the most accurate wearable fertility monitor on the market*.

We are confident that it will help you understand your cycle really quickly and improve your chances of conception. However, sometimes we all need a little extra help so if you're not pregnant by the end of your first 3 months of subscription then we'll offer you a free of charge nurse consultation and send you a free OvuCore sensor. This guarantee is subject to the following terms and conditions:


  • You need to have used your OvuFirst sensor for 90 nights, and not missed an overnight recording except during your period.
  • You must be actively trying to conceive and using no form of contraception during your first 90 days of use.
  • However, you do not need to have received a confirmation of ovulation from OvuSense in one of your cycles of use.
  • You must confirm you are not pregnant by means of a urine pregnancy test taken at least 10 days after the date of ovulation confirmed by OvuSense in your last cycle of use, or by allowing your chart in your last cycle of use to be anonymously reviewed by one of our support staff.

How to claim your free OvuCore sensor

  • Klicke hier, scroll down, and choose Guarantee from the drop down list in the 'Which choice below best describes your question?' field. Please type 'I'd like to claim my free OvuCore sensor' in the description box. To be eligible for a free sensor, you must ensure that your original order number is included in the support form.
  • Du musst uns innerhalb von 5 Tagen nach Ende Deiner anfänglichen Nutzungsdauer von 90 Tagen mitteilen, dass Du das Angebot annehmen möchtest. Über diese Anfangsfrist hinaus könntest Du keinen Anspruch auf die Garantie geltend machen.
  • Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, die von Dir in die OvuSense Cloud-Datenbank hochgeladenen Daten während Ihrer Nutzung zu überprüfen.
  • Once we have confirmed your data complies with the guarantee, we will send you a free OvuCore sensor to your shipping address. Alternatively, if you have not ovulated within the first 90 days of use you can still claim a refund under the conditions of our ovulation promise guarantee. Click here to find out more about our ovulation promise.
  • You are not required to return your Starter Kit to us and may continue to use your OvuFirst Sensor for the remainder of its registered life as long as you continue to pay monthly
  • This free sensor guarantee applies to purchases made on this website only.
  • Alle Verkäufe unterliegen unseren Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen.

Die besten Wünsche auf Ihrer Kinderwunschreise.