Every week, we see stories of women who have been empowered by the information that OvuSense gave them about their own cycles in our Facebook User’s Group. While many of these women are still trying to conceive, we also see a lot of new OvuSense babies every week. Recently, one woman’s story stood out, as it represents the journey many of our users go through before they are able to grow their families.
Roxy R. has PCOS, and was always told she would never have kids. Taking this statement as a call to action, she worked hard to change her lifestyle to give her the best possible chance of conception. Thanks to using OvuSense, she was able to see how these lifestyle changes were impacting her cycle, giving her the motivation to continue. Read on to hear about Roxy’s journey to her big fat positive (BFP) in her own words…
Roxy’s Journey:
I'm one of those ladies with PCOS who was told that I would never have kids without intervention. After changing my lifestyle and diet, I got my first natural periods and I actually ovulated. My cycles were down to 50-70 days and with the help of OvuSense I knew I ovulated on day 42 of my cycle.
In addition to using OvuSense, I started eating a very specific diet for 2 years that helps reverse PCOS symptoms. Basically I didn't eat common inflammatory foods (gluten, veg oil, soy, dairy), sugar, and caffeine. This diet made ovulation return after 2 years of consistency. Then I added OvuSense because my cycles varied from 45-70 days. Using OvuSense is how I learned that I was actually ovulating. A first for my lifetime.
After conceiving in May 2019, check out my PCOS BFP chart (minus a few temps). We are so grateful and excited that 38 weeks later we now have a baby girl.