✓ FACT CHECKED Medically reviewed by Kate Davies, RN, FP Cert Fertility Nurse Consultant

PMS and 7 dpo

Most people suspect that they might be pregnant after missing their period. If you have been pregnant before, you know what to expect, but new potential parents-to-be might think that these 7 dpo symptoms are just PMS. So, what should you watch out for in the very early stages?

Pregnancy symptoms at 7 dpo

You might wonder if it’s possible to experience pregnancy symptoms as early as 7 days past ovulation (7 dpo). The answer is yes, you may experience some early pregnancy symptoms but not every woman will notice these symptoms as early as 7 days and possible not until they are a lot further along in early pregnancy.

You may or may not realize that you are pregnant, but just at 7 dpo, you might be feeling a little off. This is because when sperm meets egg, it travels down one of your fallopian tubes, and then “implants” in the wall of the uterus. 

This amazing feat of nature causes immediate changes to your hormones and this is what results in the changes you can feel.

Early signs of pregnancy

There are some early signs of pregnancy that can start as early as 7 days past ovulation (7 dpo). Just because you're feeling a little off doesn't mean you are pregnant, but it's something to keep in mind if you're trying to conceive. Here are some of the most common 7 dpo symptoms in the early stages.


Each month one of your ovaries will release an “oocyte” from the dominant (usually largest) “follicle”. This process is called ovulation.

As soon as an ovary releases an egg, the luteal phase of the reproductive cycle begins. The luteal phase ends with a menstrual period, or with implantation and the beginning of pregnancy.

How does pregnancy happen?

The oocyte released during ovulation is moved in a pulsing movement by finger-like structures on the end fallopian tube called “fimbriae”. The oocyte enters the fallopian tube, and at this point, it’s referred to as the “ovum”. This is the mature egg that is ready to meet the sperm. If the ovum meets a viable sperm in the fallopian tube, then the magic of fertilization can happen. 

The fertilized egg then travels along the fallopian tube to your uterus. The fertilized egg is called a “zygote”. The zygote then travels out of the end of the fallopian tube into your uterus. 

The wall of the uterus is being prepared for this implantation during the luteal phase. The lining gets thicker providing an implanted zygote a rich supply of blood and nutrients to grow.

The zygote finds the uterine wall and then implants. Once implanted, the zygote multiplies and grows into an embryo.

Menstrual cycle

However, if the ovum failed to meet the sperm or if fertilization did not happen, the uterine wall will start to shed. This shedding of the uterine layer is what you experience as menstruation.

Menstruation takes place in cycles, and the duration of the cycle differs between women. Ovulation is usually expected to occur between days 11 and 21 of your menstrual cycle, but it can vary much more widely than this as it depends on the average duration of your menstrual cycle.


The ovaries secrete estrogen, which is one of the key female reproductive hormones. Estriol is a common type of estrogen which is predominant during pregnancy. Estrogen helps control the mucus membrane of the uterine lining.

Estrogen is also responsible for secondary female sexual characteristics, such as breasts, wider hips, pubic hair, and armpit hair.


Progesterone is another primary sex hormone. It helps regulate menstruation and supports a pregnancy. A part of the ovary, adrenal glands, and placenta produce progesterone.

When fertilization takes place, progesterone prepares the uterus as described earlier. It stimulates the development of glandular tissue and new blood vessels in the uterus. In the absence of fertilization, the endometrium sheds, and menstruation begins.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)

With the implantation of the zygote in the uterus, a rise in human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) level begins. Levels of hCG differ between individuals, and therefore so do the symptoms it causes.

Hormone levels

Usually, the signs of early pregnancy are indicators of altered hormonal levels in the blood. At 7 dpo, hormone levels differ between individuals, and so the symptoms they cause also vary. Implantation usually occurs between 6 DPO – 8 DPO and hCG does not go up immediately after implantation, so the earliest signs are likely to be experienced at 9 DPO or beyond.

Mood swings and early pregnancy symptoms

Some women experience no mood swings or other symptoms at all in the early weeks of pregnancy. Others have symptoms that are very similar to PMS (premenstrual syndrome). For the reasons around implantation explained above, some women may not experience any pregnancy symptoms during the earliest part of the luteal phase.

Not everyone experiences the same symptoms and some people experience different symptoms at different stages of pregnancy.

7 dpo early pregnancy symptoms can include:

  • fatigue
  • breast tenderness
  • changes in the menstrual cycle
  • food cravings or aversion to certain foods
  • bloating
  • increased nipple sensitivity
  • headaches and muscle aches

However, some 7 dpo symptoms may also occur in those who are not pregnant. This is because of the increased levels of progesterone that are present during the luteal phase of the reproductive cycle or at other times in the cycle if you have variable progesterone levels.

One way to track changes in your progesterone 7 dpo is with continuous Core Body Temperature

Looking at what happens to your Core Body Temperature on a continuous daily basis (cCBT) is a great way to see if there’s a rising trend in your progesterone after ovulation has occurred.  

7 dpo advice from us

If you’re experiencing some or all of the 7 dpo symptoms then maintain your fluid level and make sure you’re sleeping well. Even if you’re not pregnant these things can really help improve your pregnancy chances. 

If you do wait then definitely take a pregnancy test if you miss a period when you would normally expect it. After that, it’s a good idea to schedule a urine or blood test with your doctor to confirm the pregnancy.

Wishing you the very best of luck from 7 dpo and onwards!