Trust our science

Our clinical papers show how our products put you in control of your fertility journey, and maximize your chances of getting pregnant more quickly. That's because they are focussed on the accuracy of the two things you need to know to get pregnant - predicting and confirming the date of ovulation in each cycle.

What makes OvuSense different?

1/1000 degree accuracy

The patent protected OvuCore Sensor technology solves the issues caused by other methods by taking multiple overnight continuous Core Body Temperature (cCBT) measurements in the vagina using a thermistor with a resolution of 0.003 degrees Celsius - that means it's reading the differences to 1/1000th of a degree [a].

Was sind die Vorteile?

Clinically proven

With 99% accuracy for confirming ovulation [b][d], and 96% positive predictive value for predicting ovulation [c][d], our clinical papers show OvuSense can save you up to 15 months trying to conceive compared with other devices. Take a look at the table at the bottom of this page to compare the accuracy of various other methods.

Up to 15 months quicker?

15 months quicker

The 15 months difference is calculated as follows: According to clinical studies, your average chance of getting pregnant in any reproductive cycle is around 15%. [e] As a result 75% of the population will conceive within 5 months from the point at which they start out trying to conceive. A 100% accurate device would provide you with an exact understanding of the 8 day fertile window for each of those cycles and do so consistently.

Daily Fecundity

With 99% accuracy, OvuSense provides 7-8 days of the window if your ovulation is regular, so if you're just starting out with regular ovulation timing it should take 5-6 months to get pregnant (100%/14-15%).

Other devices provide accuracies of up to 80% for the fertile window. In a 28 day cycle that means they can be up to 5 days out telling you on which days in your cycle you should try and conceive. With that wrong information your chances of getting pregnant can reduce to around 5% per cycle, and that means it could take up to 20 months to get pregnant (100%/5% =20) instead of 5-6.

What if I have irregular ovulation?

Works For All Cycle Types

If you have irregular ovulation timing, then you probably already know it may take you longer to conceive. The really important fact is that urine strips and monitors (OPKs) and other temperature devices are much less likely to work for you. OvuSense is tracking the hormone released during ovulation and because it's able to predict that ovulation in real time during your cycle, it does work.

Urine strips annd monitors use hormones which don't behave as expected if you have an issue like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome that causes variable ovulation, so you end up with false positive results or no positive results at all. [f] Other temperature devices use your result from a previous cycle to provide your fertile window so they simply don't work if your ovulation occurs on a different day in your next cycle. [g]

Added to the chances of getting pregnant more quickly with OvuSense, there's no messy urine strips, no confusing charts with multiple parameters, and no need to remember to test.

[a] The measuring resolution of a thermometer is the step between each temperature reading - a resolution of a normal 0.1 degree Celsius means a reading may be wrong by as much as 0.099 degrees Celsius, or in other words there are only 3 steps between a wrong and right ovulation result of 0.3 degrees Celsius rise, whereas 0.003 degrees resolution provides 1000 steps.

[b] Die Genauigkeit misst, wie viele positive und fehlende Eisprünge das Gerät richtig bestätigt.

[c] Der positive Vorhersagewert misst, wie viele der in Echtzeit vorhergesagten Ovulationen OvuSense richtig macht.

[d] Die Genauigkeit der Eisprungsbestätigung durch OvuSense basiert auf dem ursprünglich auf dem ASRM-Meeting 2013 veröffentlichten Datensatz als Qualitätsindex: Papaioannou S, Aslam M (2013), und in der Schlüsselpublikation entwickelt, die die Genauigkeit und den positiven Vorhersagewert der Voraussage des Eisprungs skizziert, die auf dem ESHRE-Treffen 2014 gezeigt wurde: Papaioannou S, Delkos D, Pardey J (2014).

[e] The chances of conceiving in each reproductive cycle are explored in the following clinical paper: Colombo B, Masarotto G (2000) Daily fecundability: first results from a new data base. Demogr Res 3: article 5. .

[f] The following papers together show that urine strips don't work if you have variable ovulation McGovern PG, Myers ER (2004); Irons DW, Singh M (1994); Lloyd R, Coulman CB (1989);

[g] The following papers together show that other temperature monitors and fertility bracelets don't work if you have variable ovulation Freundl G, Godehardt E (2003); Goodale BM, Shilaih M (2019)

Further clinical studies into our products have identified:

- die weite Streuung des Eisprungstags in OvuSense-Benutzerzyklen:
Hurst BS, Citron C (2020) Normalised Ovulation Timing in Population using Core Body Temperature Monitoring to conceive S-194 Society for Reproductive Investigation, 2020 Annual Meeting.

- die Assoziation von atypischen Zyklusmustern, die vom OvuSense Pro-Produkt angezeigt werden, und Ovulationsproblemen:
Karoshi M, Hurst B (2020) Atypical Temperature Patterns as an Aid to Identify Infertility Issues and Miscarriage Risk. P-628 European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology 36th Annual Meeting.

- die atypischen Zyklusmuster, die zur Entwicklung des Produkts OvuSense Pro geführt haben:
Hurst BS, Karoshi M (2020) Atypical Core Body Temperature patterns and the wider implications for conditions related to pregnancy, infertility, and miscarriage risk P-833 American Society for Reproductive Medicine 76th Annual conference. Poster; Fertility and Sterility - September 2020 Volume 114, Issue 3, Supplement, Pages e446–e447 |
Hurst BS, Pirrie A (2019) Atypical vaginal temperature patterns may identify subtle not yet recognised causes of infertility P-345 American Society for Reproductive Medicine 75th Annual conference.;, Fertility and Sterility - September 2019 Volume 112, Issue 3, Supplement, Pages e244–e245;

Our Patents

Our products are backed by a significant number of patents. Very few other products have this degree of proof of novel technology:

US Patents: US8684944, US8496597, US9155522, US9155523, US20190110692; Europäische Patente: EP1485690, EP2061380, DE20 2014 011 334, DE20 2014 011 335; Chinesisches Patent: CN1650154

Warum sind klinischen Studien so wichtig?

As you make a decision about which product to choose, clinical studies are one of the most important sources of information. However...

Not all studies are same. True clinical studies are done in controlled settings and reported as 'posters' at scientific meetings and in journals dedicated in our case to either Obstetrics and Gynecology, or by specialists in Reproductive Medicine. Studies presented this way must be “peer reviewed” by other specialists before they can be published. That's the way that medical professionals know they can trust the research.

Wenn Du andere Methoden und Produkte in Betracht ziehst; nimmst Du Dich die Zeit, die von ihnen zitierten klinischen Studien zu überprüfen. Manche Produkte bieten keine wissenschaftliche Untermauerung, manche sprechen von Studien, die nicht von Spezialisten begutachtet werden, manche werden nicht in Fachzeitschriften veröffentlicht und manche liefern Dir keine nützlichen Informationen darüber, wie sie Dir helfen können, schwanger zu werden.

Welcher Fruchtbarkeitsmonitor ist der richtige für mich?

Vergleiche OvuSense mit anderen Methoden zur Überwachung Deinen Eisprung und deine Zyklen.

Wenn Du überlegst, welcher Fruchtbarkeitsmonitor am besten zu Dir passt, solltest Du folgende Dinge beachten:

  1. In welchem Zeitrahmen wird ein fruchtbares Fenster erkannt, damit Du die Zeit beim Versuch schwanger zu werden in jedem Zyklus maximieren kannst
  2. Wie genau ist der Test oder Monitor bei der Bestätigung des Eisprungs? – je ungenauer, desto geringer ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass es Dir in Deinem nächsten Zyklus weiterhilft
  3. Kann es den Eisprung anhand der aktuellen Zyklusdaten vorhersagen? - etwas, das wir Echtzeitvorhersage nennen
  4. Funktioniert das System bei PCOS und unregelmäßigen Zyklen?
  5. Kann es Deinem Arzt helfen, nach Fruchtbarkeitsproblemen zu suchen?
  6. Kann es Dir und Deinem Arzt helfen, Deine Medikamente oder Behandlung zu überwachen?

Jede der unten zitierten Statistiken wurde aus klinischen Erkenntnissen abgeleitet, die sich auf Methoden zur Fruchtbarkeitsüberwachung beziehen. Pro bezieht sich auf das OvuSense Pro-Klinikportal. Klicke auf das „i“-Symbol neben jeder Methode in der Tabelle oder direkt auf die Methode in der Tabelle, wenn Du ein Mobilgerät benutzt, um mehr über die klinische Evidenz zu erfahren.

  Merkmal/ Wie viele davon sind richtig?
Zeitfenster fruchtbare Tage Vorhersage
Bestätigt den Eisprung
PCOS und unregelmäßige Zyklen
Auf Fruchtbarkeitsprobleme prüfen
Medikamente und Behandlungen verfolgen
(Temperatur auf der Haut gemessen)
OF 8 days 8 days 90% 90% Pro Pro
OvuSense OvuCore
OS Core 8 days 8 days 99% 99% 96% 96%   Pro Pro
FTA 4-6 days 4-6 days 21% 21%
BBT 6 days 6 days 78% 78%
Skin Worn/
SW/ FB 6 days 6 days 78% 78%
Tests und Monitore
OPK/ OPM 4-6 days 4-6 days 92% 92%
SP 4-6 days 4-6 days 100% 100%
US 6 days 6 days 100% 100% 100% 100%

Fertilitätstestmethoden Schlüssel

  • OF OvuFirst (Skin Temperature)
  • OS Core OvuSense OvuCore (Kernkörpertemperatur)
  • BBT Basaltemperatur
  • FTA Fruchtbarkeits-Tracker-Apps
  • SWD Von der Haut getragene Geräte
  • FBD Fruchtbarkeitsarmbandgeräte
  • OPK Ovulationstests (Urinstreifen)
  • OPM Ovulationsmonitore (mit Urinstreifen)
  • SP Serum-Progesteron
  • US Ultraschall