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Real-life stories from OvuSense users and essential information from fertility experts

  1. TTC and Stress

    Guest Blog: 3 Key Strategies to Managing Stress While Trying to Conceive

    Without a doubt, trying to conceive (TTC) can be stressful. Sadly, those struggling during this time have reported elevated levels of anxiety and depression. That being said, there are many ways to help manage stress that can bring the enjoyment back to TTC. In this blog, we're sharing three ways to prioritize mental well-being while TTC. 

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  2. Health Advocate

    How to Be your Own Health Advocate in 4 Simple Steps

    Even though we know it can feel overwhelming, keeping up with regular appointments and screenings is vital to your overall health, as they can help to spot potential problems or issues earlier rather than later. In addition, taking care of your emotional and mental health is just as important! In this blog, we’re breaking down some steps to help you prioritize your physical and mental health. 

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  3. Exercise

    How To Tailor Diet & Exercise Around Your Monthly Cycle

    Studies focusing on male data have dominated the exercise physiology space for decades, yet women have entirely different exercise needs. In this blog, we’re breaking down insights into the menstrual cycle’s impact on the female body’s response to diet and exercise, giving you a better understanding of how to treat your body throughout the month.

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  4. National Rainbow Baby Day

    51 Uplifting Quotes in Honor of National Rainbow Baby Day

    National Rainbow Baby Day, which is held on August 22, 2022, honors those who have experienced loss and celebrates babies who have arrived after a storm. Whether you have a rainbow baby, are expecting one, or are wishing with your whole heart for one — we’re sharing 51 rainbow baby quotes to fill your heart with hope. 

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  5. Supplements for TTC

    Guest Blog: Best Supplements for Trying to Conceive 

    Supplements are having a moment right now, especially for women trying to get pregnant, but how do you know what you should take and which brands to buy? Fertility Coach and Doula Robin shares which supplements she recommends for those who are TTC. 

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  6. Undiagnosed Endometriosis

    3 ½ Clues That Your Menstrual Cycle Could Be Giving You That You Might Be at Risk of Having Undiagnosed Endometriosis

    If you’re struggling to conceive and frustrated by the lack of answers as to why, or if you’ve been given the diagnosis of “Unexplained Infertility,” undiagnosed or “silent” endometriosis should be on your radar. Physician's assistant and fertility coach Talia Lavor explains why in this blog.

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  7. What is ovulation?

    Ovulation 101: What You Need to Know & How to Improve Your Chances of Conception

    If you’re TTC, you are likely familiar with the term ‘ovulation.’ However, if you find yourself asking, What is ovulation?, don’t worry, we’re here to break it down for you. We’ll also be discussing which tracking methods are the most reliable, signs to watch for that indicate ovulation, and how to improve your chances of becoming pregnant by using them. 

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  8. Male Fertility Journey

    3 Ways Men Can Participate in a Fertility Journey

    Since nearly half of all infertility is traced back to the male factor, men play an important role in our fertility journeys. Luckily, there are things that men can do to help improve their fertility and overall health Whether the man in your life is hoping to become a first-time dad, wanting to grow your family, or simply learn more about his and your family’s overall health, we’re sharing some tips to help support you both on your journey. 

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  9. How Fitness Benefits Fertility and Mind

    Guest Blog: How Fitness Benefits Your Fertility and Mind

    Maria, a personal trainer who has PCOS, struggled with fertility issues for some time before she was ultimately blessed with two beautiful children. Now, she is sharing her experience incorporating fitness into her fertility journey. Check out this guest blog to learn what lessons Maria is sharing, including why working out is also important for your mental health. 

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  10. Your Fertile Window

    Guest Blog: Getting to Know Your Fertile Window

    If you’ve been trying for a baby for a while, chances are you have come across the term ‘fertile window’ before. If you have questions about your fertile window or aren’t super familiar with the phrase, don’t worry! In this blog, we’re outlining the four phases of the menstrual cycle and what makes up your fertile window. We’re also sharing the crucial steps we need to go through to ensure healthy growth of eggs, ovulation and maintaining the right environment for an egg to implant.

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