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OvuSense Fertility and Ovulation Blog

Real-life stories from OvuSense users and essential information from fertility experts

  1. Symptoms of a Short Luteal Phase and why it's important when TTCing

    Symptoms of a Short Luteal Phase and why it's important when TTCing

    This is the time from ovulation to your next menstrual period. This phase typically lasts 12-14 days but can be as short as 9 days or as long as 20 days.

    The length of the luteal phase is important because it determines how long the egg has to be fertilized by the sperm before it becomes too old and drops off the uterine wall. If the luteal phase is too short, there may not be enough time for fertilization to occur. 

    Read more to find out how you can help improve your chances of conception naturally.

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  2. 3 days late for your period. Could you be pregnant?

    3 days late for your period. Could you be pregnant?

    If you're trying to conceive, a missed period can be an exciting time. However, it's important to remember that a late period doesn't necessarily mean you're pregnant. There are a number of factors that can contribute to a delayed period, including stress, travel, and changes in your exercise routine.

    Read our helpful blog to find out more.

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  3. June is Pride month.  We are celebrating by sharing one of our pregnancy success stories.

    June is Pride month. We are celebrating by sharing one of our pregnancy success stories.

    We are proud to share one of our favorite success stories in honor of Pride Month. Read how Sharaylane and Lori conceived in just 3 cycles using OvuSense.

    (As told by Sharaylane) "My wife and I wanted a baby and so we started looking for a donor in 2011. As we are a same-sex couple, obviously our only choice is to use donor sperm in order to conceive. It’s hard work to find the right donor and with AI (artificial insemination) but we are proof that miracles can happen!

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  4. How Fitness Benefits Fertility and Mind

    Guest Blog: How Fitness Benefits Your Fertility and Mind

    Maria, a personal trainer who has PCOS, struggled with fertility issues for some time before she was ultimately blessed with two beautiful children. Now, she is sharing her experience incorporating fitness into her fertility journey. Check out this guest blog to learn what lessons Maria is sharing, including why working out is also important for your mental health. 

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  5. Beya 21 years trying to conceive

    Beya 21 years trying to conceive

    Infertility can be draining, regardless of how long you’ve been trying to conceive, but for one woman, this journey has gone on for longer than two decades. Beya has PCOS, and has been trying to get pregnant for 21 years. 

    After struggling to track her ovulation using oral BBT and OPKs, Beya decided to try OvuSense. Due to her PCOS, she had always assumed her body was “broken” and she wasn’t able to ovulate. By trying a new approach, she was able to learn more about her temps and how they correspond with her ovulation. 

    We’re THRILLED to share the news that she is pregnant after three cycles with OvuSense. Read more about her journey below, and the statement she shared with our Facebook community. 

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  6. Your Fertile Window

    Guest Blog: Getting to Know Your Fertile Window

    If you’ve been trying for a baby for a while, chances are you have come across the term ‘fertile window’ before. If you have questions about your fertile window or aren’t super familiar with the phrase, don’t worry! In this blog, we’re outlining the four phases of the menstrual cycle and what makes up your fertile window. We’re also sharing the crucial steps we need to go through to ensure healthy growth of eggs, ovulation and maintaining the right environment for an egg to implant.

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  7. Managing Your Mental Health — How To Avoid Stress While Trying To Conceive

    Managing Your Mental Health — How To Avoid Stress While Trying To Conceive

    When you're trying to have a baby, it's vital to pay attention to your mental health. Stress can negatively affect your fertility, so it's important to find ways to relax and manage your stress levels.

    Growing your family can be one of the most overwhelming experiences in your life— even for those who find it easy to conceive. But for the nearly one in ten women who struggles to conceive or stay pregnant, the path to parenthood can feel like a difficult road. 

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  8. 9 dpo: 9 days post ovulation and what to expect

    9 dpo: 9 days post ovulation and what to expect

    So, you think you might be pregnant?  At 9 dpo (days post ovulation) there are definite signs to watch out for.  Read our helpful blog and find out more.  Wishing you the very best of luck!

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  9. 11 dpo:  what to expect 11 days post ovulation

    11 dpo: what to expect 11 days post ovulation

    There are some early signs of pregnancy you can track at 11 dpo (days past ovulation) that can be similar to period symptoms.  Read more here to understand more how to determine the signs.  

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  10. Nutrition for Fertility

    Guest Blog: How Can You Prepare Your Body for Baby with Nutrition?

    There are certain changes you can make which will be very helpful in optimizing egg heath, supporting healthy sperm development, reducing inflammation, balancing hormones, and increasing receptivity in the uterus. In this blog, we’re sharing some tips to try in order to help prepare your body for a baby with nutrition. 

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